A Trip to the Nursery

We’re finally enjoying temps below 90 degrees and that means it’s time for fall planting.  After a night of storms, it was a great day to head to the nursery

A storm brewing over the Catalina Mtns.

A storm brewing over the Catalina Mtns.

With so many choices, it’s always difficult to decide what to plant; but the years have taught us what works and what doesn’t.  We may really want to plant those brussel sprouts but do we want to deal with the aphids that love to live in those little cabbage balls!

Road Trip! Fall veggies on their way to their new home

Road Trip! Fall veggies on their way to their new home

This year we went with old favs…brocolli, swiss chard, lacanato kale, blue kale, swiss chard, arugula and collard greens.  Until the temps are sure to be in the low 80’s, it’s risky to plant lettuce; but we did try one start, as well as some watercress.

And finally, after four weeks of working on the bed: turning over the soil, adding manure, treating the with bokasi, topping with compost, and hardest of all – sitting back and waiting…it was time to plant!

Fall Vegetable Garden

Fall Vegetable Garden

About PixieL

I'm an outdoor cyclist, Ironman, marathon runner and self-sustaining organic gardener. I am currently a student as well as teacher and a member of a community garden.
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