Getting ready for February

The last week of every month is always a good time to start looking ahead to what’s on the agenda for the upcoming month.  Taking some time to look ahead now means that you will have time to plan and prepare.  Some tasks give you a little leeway, but seed starting is usually and do-or-die situation, so that’s where I always start my planning.  Let’s see what seeds we need to start in February.  Keeping a garden journal is helpful, but if you don’t have a record of last year’s activity or you are new to gardening, don’t fret – there is plenty of useful information on the web.  Brad Lancaster has a good website with lots of useful information, check out the link to his monthly planting guide here.  The University of Arizona College of Agriculture has an alphabetical listing, and the dates are a little more precise, check out their listing here.

Learning Opportunity:

Don’t just reference the planting guides, take a look at your seed packet.  Some packets give you a US map on the reverse telling you optimal planting dates.  Take a look at this packet of celery seeds.Should we be considering them for our February starts?Celery Seed Packet003 a

About PixieL

I'm an outdoor cyclist, Ironman, marathon runner and self-sustaining organic gardener. I am currently a student as well as teacher and a member of a community garden.
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